
Training & Behavior

How to Get Your Dog to Stop Begging for Food

Does your dog beg for food every time you sit down to eat? Do you spend most of your meals swatting your pup away from the plate? Food begging is a common problem for dogs of all sizes, but luckily, it is one that you can easily fix with proper training and patience. The guide below explains how to get your dog to stop begging for food so you can eat in peace once again.

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Teaching Children about Dog Owner Etiquette

One of the most common reasons dogs get sent to shelters or put down is because they growl, bark, or bite at children. This is not always the fault of the dog. In fact, most of the time the reaction is a direct result of improper pet etiquette. By teaching your child how to interact with dogs, you can avoid negative tension and aggression in your household that may cause you to rehome your furry friend. Here are some tips for teaching your children about dog owner etiquette.

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How to Stop Leash Aggression

Does your dog bark and behave erratically while on the leash? Have you tried multiple forms of leash training without any luck? Some dogs are naturally better leash-recipients than others, but most dogs can be trained to act respectful and calm on a leash. The key is to understand why your dog is behaving a certain way and do all you can to prevent or counteract those reactions. This guide explains how to stop leash aggression so you can enjoy walks with your furry friend.

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Basic Dog Training with Hand Signals

Dog training with hand signals is a fun an effective way to get your dog to respond to basic commands, like sit, stay, or come. Some dogs respond better to verbal cues than others, but most dogs can be trained to respond to hand gestures alone over time. If this is something you want to try with your dog, get the dog treats ready and check out these hand signal dog training basics.

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Training Your Dog to Stop Barking

There are many reasons why dogs bark – fear, intimidation, confusion, communication, etc. While it may be appropriate for your dog to bark when a potential intruder comes to your home, it’s not as appropriate for him to bark at everything you pass by during your daily walk. Luckily, there are some techniques you can practice to control your dog’s barking so you can take him out in public. Read on to learn how to train your dog to stop barking.

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Puppy Socialization Tips: How to Raise a Confident Dog

Puppies go through a number of developmental stages in the first year of their lives, and each one presents a unique opportunity for you as an owner. In order to raise a confident dog, you must take advantage of these early stages and teach your dog not to be fearful of new people, pets, or environments. Through proper puppy socialization, you can ensure that your pet will behave properly no matter what may come in the future. Set yourself up for success from the start with these puppy socialization tips.

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Dealing with That Rowdy Dog Next Door

Have a neighbor with an annoyingly rowdy dog? We’ve all been there at some point in time. You may not be worried much if it’s just a Chihuahua with an attitude, but things change when it’s a pit bull looking to tear down the fence. If you have found yourself living next to an unruly pet, there are things you can do to make the situation better. Here are some tips to help you deal with a rowdy dog next door.

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Convincing Your Dog to Sleep in His Dog Bed

Most dogs love to sleep in their dog beds. That area quickly becomes their territory, where they feel safe, secure, comfortable, and in charge. With that in mind, some dogs take a little while to transition to sleeping in a dog bed. Whether you’re trying to get your dog off your furniture or you simply want him to make use of the dog that you’ve purchased, there are some tricks you can do to motivate your dog to sleep in his bed. Here are some tips to convince your dog to sleep in a dog bed.

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